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Applets and Applications


Demonstration applets and source code are available at:

To run the applets, use your browser to go to the HTML page and click on the applet link, or use AppletViewer to open the HTML page.

Running an applet in a browser requires the JavaTM Plug-in, which is installed by default with the JDK and JRE. The AppletViewer is provided with the JDK, at bin\appletviewer. For information about how to use the AppletViewer and other JDK tools, see JDK Tools and Utilities.


Applications and sample code are also available in the JDK installation. These demonstrate various features of the Java 2 platform. The available demos are described in the following sections.

JFC Applications and Applets

These applications and applets, located in the JDK demo/jfc directory, demonstrate Swing and Java 2DTM technology.

Java Platform Debugger Architecture

The demo/jpda/examples.jar file in the JDK contains JPDA examples, including source code for the jdb Java Debugger and the prototype javadt GUI debugger.

The Poller Demo (SolarisTM Operating System only)

This demo, located in the JDK demo/jni/Poller directory, demonstrates access to the input/output multiplexing functionality from the Java programming language. See the Solaris poll man page.

Additional Applications and Applets

Additional applets and applications may be found at:

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