public interface ConstructorDoc extends ExecutableMemberDoc
flatSignature, isNative, isSynchronized, isVarArgs, parameters, paramTags, receiverType, signature, thrownExceptions, thrownExceptionTypes, throwsTags, typeParameters, typeParamTags
annotations, containingClass, containingPackage, isFinal, isPackagePrivate, isPrivate, isProtected, isPublic, isStatic, modifiers, modifierSpecifier, qualifiedName
commentText, compareTo, firstSentenceTags, getRawCommentText, inlineTags, isAnnotationType, isAnnotationTypeElement, isClass, isConstructor, isEnum, isEnumConstant, isError, isException, isField, isIncluded, isInterface, isMethod, isOrdinaryClass, name, position, seeTags, setRawCommentText, tags, tags
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