Interface ExtensionInstallerService

public interface ExtensionInstallerService

The ExtensionInstallerService is used by an extension installer to communicate with the JNLP Client. It provides the following type of functionality:

The normal sequence of events for an installer is:

  1. Get service using ServiceManager.lookup("javax.jnlp.ExtensionInstallerService").
  2. Update status, heading, and progress as install progresses (setStatus, setHeading and updateProgress).
  3. Invoke either setJREInfo or setNativeLibraryInfo depending on if a JRE or a library is installed
  4. If successful invoke installSucceeded, otherwise invoke installFailed.


Method Summary getExtensionLocation()
          Returns the location of the extension being installed
 java.lang.String getExtensionVersion()
          Returns the version of the extension being installed
 java.lang.String getInstalledJRE( url, java.lang.String version)
          Returns the path to the executable for the given JRE.
 java.lang.String getInstallPath()
          Returns the directory where the installer is recommended to install the extension in.
 void hideProgressBar()
          Hides the progress bar.
 void hideStatusWindow()
          Hides the status window.
 void installFailed()
          This should be invoked if the install fails.
 void installSucceeded(boolean needsReboot)
          Installers should invoke this upon a succesful installation of the extension.
 void setHeading(java.lang.String heading)
          Updates the status of the installer process.
 void setJREInfo(java.lang.String platformVersion, java.lang.String jrePath)
          Informs the JNLP Client of the path to the executable for the JRE, if this is an installer for a JRE, and about platform-version this JRE implements.
 void setNativeLibraryInfo(java.lang.String path)
          Informs the JNLP Client of a directory where it should search for native libraries.
 void setStatus(java.lang.String status)
          Updates the status of the installer process.
 void updateProgress(int value)
          Updates the progress bar.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getInstallPath()
Returns the directory where the installer is recommended to install the extension in. It is not required that the installer install in this directory, this is merely a suggested path.


java.lang.String getExtensionVersion()
Returns the version of the extension being installed

getExtensionLocation getExtensionLocation()
Returns the location of the extension being installed


void hideProgressBar()
Hides the progress bar. Any subsequent calls to updateProgress will force it to be visible.


void hideStatusWindow()
Hides the status window. You should only invoke this if you are going to provide your own feedback to the user as to the progress of the install.


void setHeading(java.lang.String heading)
Updates the status of the installer process.


void setStatus(java.lang.String status)
Updates the status of the installer process.


void updateProgress(int value)
Updates the progress bar.

value - progress bar value - should be between 0 and 100.


void installSucceeded(boolean needsReboot)
Installers should invoke this upon a succesful installation of the extension. This will cause the JNLP Client to regain control and continue its normal operation.

needsReboot - If true, a reboot is needed


void installFailed()
This should be invoked if the install fails. The JNLP Client will continue its operation, and inform the user that the install has failed.


void setJREInfo(java.lang.String platformVersion,
                java.lang.String jrePath)
Informs the JNLP Client of the path to the executable for the JRE, if this is an installer for a JRE, and about platform-version this JRE implements.


void setNativeLibraryInfo(java.lang.String path)
Informs the JNLP Client of a directory where it should search for native libraries.


java.lang.String getInstalledJRE( url,
                                 java.lang.String version)
Returns the path to the executable for the given JRE. This method can be used by extensions that needs to find information in a given JRE, or enhance a given JRE.

url - product location of the JRE
version - product version of the JRE
The path to the executable for the given JRE, or null if the JRE is not installed.

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