Common DOM API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use HTMLElement

Uses of HTMLElement in org.w3c.dom.html

Subinterfaces of HTMLElement in org.w3c.dom.html
 interface HTMLAnchorElement
          The anchor element.
 interface HTMLAppletElement
          An embedded Java applet.
 interface HTMLAreaElement
          Client-side image map area definition.
 interface HTMLBaseElement
          Document base URI.
 interface HTMLBaseFontElement
          Base font.
 interface HTMLBodyElement
          The HTML document body.
 interface HTMLBRElement
          Force a line break.
 interface HTMLButtonElement
          Push button.
 interface HTMLDirectoryElement
          Directory list.
 interface HTMLDivElement
          Generic block container.
 interface HTMLDListElement
          Definition list.
 interface HTMLFieldSetElement
          Organizes form controls into logical groups.
 interface HTMLFontElement
          Local change to font.
 interface HTMLFormElement
          The FORM element encompasses behavior similar to a collection and an element.
 interface HTMLFrameElement
          Create a frame.
 interface HTMLFrameSetElement
          Create a grid of frames.
 interface HTMLHeadElement
          Document head information.
 interface HTMLHeadingElement
          For the H1 to H6 elements.
 interface HTMLHRElement
          Create a horizontal rule.
 interface HTMLHtmlElement
          Root of an HTML document.
 interface HTMLIFrameElement
          Inline subwindows.
 interface HTMLImageElement
          Embedded image.
 interface HTMLInputElement
          Form control.
 interface HTMLIsIndexElement
          This element is used for single-line text input.
 interface HTMLLabelElement
          Form field label text.
 interface HTMLLegendElement
          Provides a caption for a FIELDSET grouping.
 interface HTMLLIElement
          List item.
 interface HTMLLinkElement
          The LINK element specifies a link to an external resource, and defines this document's relationship to that resource (or vice versa).
 interface HTMLMapElement
          Client-side image map.
 interface HTMLMenuElement
          Menu list.
 interface HTMLMetaElement
          This contains generic meta-information about the document.
 interface HTMLModElement
          Notice of modification to part of a document.
 interface HTMLObjectElement
          Generic embedded object.
 interface HTMLOListElement
          Ordered list.
 interface HTMLOptGroupElement
          Group options together in logical subdivisions.
 interface HTMLOptionElement
          A selectable choice.
 interface HTMLParagraphElement
 interface HTMLParamElement
          Parameters fed to the OBJECT element.
 interface HTMLPreElement
          Preformatted text.
 interface HTMLQuoteElement
          For the Q and BLOCKQUOTE elements.
 interface HTMLScriptElement
          Script statements.
 interface HTMLSelectElement
          The select element allows the selection of an option.
 interface HTMLStyleElement
          Style information.
 interface HTMLTableCaptionElement
          Table caption See the CAPTION element definition in HTML 4.0.
 interface HTMLTableCellElement
          The object used to represent the TH and TD elements.
 interface HTMLTableColElement
          Regroups the COL and COLGROUP elements.
 interface HTMLTableElement
          The create* and delete* methods on the table allow authors to construct and modify tables.
 interface HTMLTableRowElement
          A row in a table.
 interface HTMLTableSectionElement
          The THEAD , TFOOT , and TBODY elements.
 interface HTMLTextAreaElement
          Multi-line text field.
 interface HTMLTitleElement
          The document title.
 interface HTMLUListElement
          Unordered list.

Methods in org.w3c.dom.html that return HTMLElement
 HTMLElement HTMLTableElement.createCaption()
          Create a new table caption object or return an existing one.
 HTMLElement HTMLTableElement.createTFoot()
          Create a table footer row or return an existing one.
 HTMLElement HTMLTableElement.createTHead()
          Create a table header row or return an existing one.
 HTMLElement HTMLDocument.getBody()
          The element that contains the content for the document.
 HTMLElement HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell(int index)
          Insert an empty TD cell into this row.
 HTMLElement HTMLTableSectionElement.insertRow(int index)
          Insert a row into this section.
 HTMLElement HTMLTableElement.insertRow(int index)
          Insert a new empty row in the table.

Methods in org.w3c.dom.html with parameters of type HTMLElement
 void HTMLSelectElement.add(HTMLElement element, HTMLElement before)
          Add a new element to the collection of OPTION elements for this SELECT .
 void HTMLDocument.setBody(HTMLElement body)

Common DOM API

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