Java Smart Card I/O

Class TerminalFactory

  extended by javax.smartcardio.TerminalFactory

public final class TerminalFactory
extends Object

A factory for CardTerminal objects. It allows an application to

Each TerminalFactory has a type indicating how it was implemented. It must be specified when the implementation is obtained using a getInstance() method and can be retrieved via the getType() method.

The following standard type names have been defined:

an implementation that calls into the PC/SC Smart Card stack of the host platform. Implementations do not require parameters and accept "null" as argument in the getInstance() calls.
an implementation that does not supply any CardTerminals. On platforms that do not support other implementations, getDefaultType() returns None and getDefault() returns an instance of a None TerminalFactory. Factories of this type cannot be obtained by calling the getInstance() methods.
Additional standard types may be defined in the future.

Note: Provider implementations that accept initialization parameters via the getInstance() methods are strongly encouraged to use a Properties object as the representation for String name-value pair based parameters whenever possible. This allows applications to more easily interoperate with multiple providers than if each provider used different provider specific class as parameters.

TerminalFactory utilizes an extensible service provider framework. Service providers that wish to add a new implementation should see the TerminalFactorySpi class for more information.

See Also:
CardTerminals, Provider

Method Summary
static TerminalFactory getDefault()
          Returns the default TerminalFactory instance.
static String getDefaultType()
          Get the default TerminalFactory type.
static TerminalFactory getInstance(String type, Object params)
          Returns a TerminalFactory of the specified type that is initialized with the specified parameters.
static TerminalFactory getInstance(String type, Object params, Provider provider)
          Returns a TerminalFactory of the specified type that is initialized with the specified parameters.
static TerminalFactory getInstance(String type, Object params, String provider)
          Returns a TerminalFactory of the specified type that is initialized with the specified parameters.
 Provider getProvider()
          Returns the provider of this TerminalFactory.
 String getType()
          Returns the type of this TerminalFactory.
 CardTerminals terminals()
          Returns a new CardTerminals object encapsulating the terminals supported by this factory.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this TerminalFactory.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static String getDefaultType()
Get the default TerminalFactory type.

It is determined as follows: when this class is initialized, the system property javax.smartcardio.TerminalFactory.DefaultType is examined. If it is set, a TerminalFactory of this type is instantiated by calling the getInstance(String,Object) method passing null as the value for params. If the call succeeds, the type becomes the default type and the factory becomes the default factory.

If the system property is not set or the getInstance() call fails for any reason, the system defaults to an implementation specific default type and TerminalFactory.

the default TerminalFactory type


public static TerminalFactory getDefault()
Returns the default TerminalFactory instance. See getDefaultType() for more information.

A default TerminalFactory is always available. However, depending on the implementation, it may not offer any terminals.

the default TerminalFactory


public static TerminalFactory getInstance(String type,
                                          Object params)
                                   throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
Returns a TerminalFactory of the specified type that is initialized with the specified parameters.

This method traverses the list of registered security Providers, starting with the most preferred Provider. A new TerminalFactory object encapsulating the TerminalFactorySpi implementation from the first Provider that supports the specified type is returned.

Note that the list of registered providers may be retrieved via the Security.getProviders() method.

The TerminalFactory is initialized with the specified parameters Object. The type of parameters needed may vary between different types of TerminalFactorys.

type - the type of the requested TerminalFactory
params - the parameters to pass to the TerminalFactorySpi implementation, or null if no parameters are needed
a TerminalFactory of the specified type
NullPointerException - if type is null
NoSuchAlgorithmException - if no Provider supports a TerminalFactorySpi of the specified type


public static TerminalFactory getInstance(String type,
                                          Object params,
                                          String provider)
                                   throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
Returns a TerminalFactory of the specified type that is initialized with the specified parameters.

A new TerminalFactory object encapsulating the TerminalFactorySpi implementation from the specified provider is returned. The specified provider must be registered in the security provider list.

Note that the list of registered providers may be retrieved via the Security.getProviders() method.

The TerminalFactory is initialized with the specified parameters Object. The type of parameters needed may vary between different types of TerminalFactorys.

type - the type of the requested TerminalFactory
params - the parameters to pass to the TerminalFactorySpi implementation, or null if no parameters are needed
provider - the name of the provider
a TerminalFactory of the specified type
NullPointerException - if type is null
IllegalArgumentException - if provider is null or the empty String
NoSuchAlgorithmException - if a TerminalFactorySpi implementation of the specified type is not available from the specified provider
NoSuchAlgorithmException - if no TerminalFactory of the specified type could be found
NoSuchProviderException - if the specified provider could not be found


public static TerminalFactory getInstance(String type,
                                          Object params,
                                          Provider provider)
                                   throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
Returns a TerminalFactory of the specified type that is initialized with the specified parameters.

A new TerminalFactory object encapsulating the TerminalFactorySpi implementation from the specified provider object is returned. Note that the specified provider object does not have to be registered in the provider list.

The TerminalFactory is initialized with the specified parameters Object. The type of parameters needed may vary between different types of TerminalFactorys.

type - the type of the requested TerminalFactory
params - the parameters to pass to the TerminalFactorySpi implementation, or null if no parameters are needed
provider - the provider
a TerminalFactory of the specified type
NullPointerException - if type is null
IllegalArgumentException - if provider is null
NoSuchAlgorithmException - if a TerminalFactorySpi implementation of the specified type is not available from the specified Provider


public Provider getProvider()
Returns the provider of this TerminalFactory.

the provider of this TerminalFactory.


public String getType()
Returns the type of this TerminalFactory. This is the value that was specified in the getInstance() method that returned this object.

the type of this TerminalFactory


public CardTerminals terminals()
Returns a new CardTerminals object encapsulating the terminals supported by this factory. See the class comment of the CardTerminals class regarding how the returned objects can be shared and reused.

a new CardTerminals object encapsulating the terminals supported by this factory.


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this TerminalFactory.

toString in class Object
a string representation of this TerminalFactory.

Java Smart Card I/O