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Common DOM API
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IMPORT_RULE - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRule
The rule is a CSSImportRule.
importNode(Node, boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Document
Imports a node from another document to this document, without altering or removing the source node from the original document; this method creates a new copy of the source node.
INDEX_SIZE_ERR - Static variable in exception org.w3c.dom.DOMException
If index or size is negative, or greater than the allowed value.
initEvent(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
The initEvent method is used to initialize the value of an Event created through the DocumentEvent interface.
initMouseEvent(String, boolean, boolean, AbstractView, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, short, EventTarget) - Method in interface
The initMouseEvent method is used to initialize the value of a MouseEvent created through the DocumentEvent interface.
initMutationEvent(String, boolean, boolean, Node, String, String, String, short) - Method in interface
The initMutationEvent method is used to initialize the value of a MutationEvent created through the DocumentEvent interface.
initUIEvent(String, boolean, boolean, AbstractView, int) - Method in interface
The initUIEvent method is used to initialize the value of a UIEvent created through the DocumentEvent interface.
insertBefore(Node, Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Node
Inserts the node newChild before the existing child node refChild.
insertCell(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement
Insert an empty TD cell into this row.
insertData(int, String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.CharacterData
Insert a string at the specified 16-bit unit offset.
insertNode(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Inserts a node into the Document or DocumentFragment at the start of the Range.
insertRow(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
Insert a new empty row in the table.
insertRow(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableSectionElement
Insert a row into this section.
insertRule(String, int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSMediaRule
Used to insert a new rule into the media block.
insertRule(String, int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleSheet
Used to insert a new rule into the style sheet.
INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR - Static variable in exception org.w3c.dom.DOMException
If an attempt is made to add an attribute that is already in use elsewhere.
INVALID_ACCESS_ERR - Static variable in exception org.w3c.dom.DOMException
If a parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object.
INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR - Static variable in exception org.w3c.dom.DOMException
If an invalid or illegal character is specified, such as in an XML name.
INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR - Static variable in exception org.w3c.dom.DOMException
If an attempt is made to modify the type of the underlying object.
INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR - Static variable in exception org.w3c.dom.ranges.RangeException
If the container of an boundary-point of a Range is being set to either a node of an invalid type or a node with an ancestor of an invalid type.
INVALID_STATE_ERR - Static variable in exception org.w3c.dom.DOMException
If an attempt is made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable.
invokeAndWait(DOMAction) - Method in class
Causes to be executed synchronously on the DOM action dispatching thread.
invokeLater(DOMAction) - Method in class
Causes to be executed asynchronously on the DOM action dispatching thread.
isDefaultNamespace(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Node
This method checks if the specified namespaceURI is the default namespace or not.
isDerivedFrom(String, String, int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.TypeInfo
This method returns if there is a derivation between the reference type definition, i.e.
isElementContentWhitespace() - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Text
Returns whether this text node contains element content whitespace, often abusively called "ignorable whitespace".
isEqualNode(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Node
Tests whether two nodes are equal.
isId() - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Attr
Returns whether this attribute is known to be of type ID (i.e.
isSameNode(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Node
Returns whether this node is the same node as the given one.
isSupported(String, String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Node
Tests whether the DOM implementation implements a specific feature and that feature is supported by this node, as specified in .
item(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRuleList
Used to retrieve a CSS rule by ordinal index.
item(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleDeclaration
Used to retrieve the properties that have been explicitly set in this declaration block.
item(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSValueList
Used to retrieve a CSSValue by ordinal index.
item(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementationList
Returns the indexth item in the collection.
item(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.DOMStringList
Returns the indexth item in the collection.
item(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLCollection
This method retrieves a node specified by ordinal index.
item(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap
Returns the indexth item in the map.
item(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.NodeList
Returns the indexth item in the collection.
item(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.stylesheets.MediaList
Returns the indexth in the list.
item(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.stylesheets.StyleSheetList
Used to retrieve a style sheet by ordinal index.
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Common DOM API

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