Package javax.jnlp

Interface Summary
BasicService The BasicService interface provides access to the codebase of the application, if an application is run in offline mode, and simple interaction with the native browser on the given platform.
ClipboardService ClipboardService provides methods for accessing the shared system-wide clipboard, even for applications that are running in the untrusted execution environment.
DownloadService DownloadService service allows an application to control how its own resources are cached, to determine which of its resources are currently cached, to force resources to be cached, and to remove resources from the cache.
DownloadServiceListener The DownloadServiceListener provides an interface for a callback object implementation, which may be used by a DownloadService implementation.
ExtendedService ExtendedService provides additional support to the current JNLP API, which allow applications to open a specific file in the client's file system.
ExtensionInstallerService The ExtensionInstallerService is used by an extension installer to communicate with the JNLP Client.
FileContents FileContents objects encapsulate the name and contents of a file.
FileOpenService FileOpenService service allows the user to choose a file from the local file system, even for applications that are running in the untrusted execution environment.
FileSaveService FileSaveService service allows the user to save a file to the local file system, even for applications that are running in the untrusted execution environment.
JNLPRandomAccessFile Instances of this class support both reading and writing to a random access file.
PersistenceService PersistenceService provides methods for storing data locally on the client system, even for applications that are running in the untrusted execution environment.
PrintService PrintService provides methods for access to printing functions, even for applications that are running in the untrusted execution environment.
ServiceManagerStub A ServiceManagerStub object implements the particular lookup of JNLP services by the JNLP Client.
SingleInstanceListener SingleInstanceListener is a interface which should be implemented by a JNLP application if they wish to support single instance behaviour.
SingleInstanceService SingleInstanceService allow applications launched under Java Web Start to register themselves as singletons, and to be passed in new parameter sets when user attempts to launch new instances of them.

Class Summary
ServiceManager The ServiceManager provides static methods to lookup JNLP services.

Exception Summary
UnavailableServiceException The UnavailableServiceException is thrown by the ServiceManager when a non-existing or unavailable service is looked up.

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